Cyberloafing means a type of job neglect (Bennett and Naumann, 2004). sending and receiving mail, surfing in the net for personal purpose during the office hours is called Cyberloafing. Cyberloafing leads the employees to harm or to disturb the organizational productivity. Research study shows 64 percent of the people surfing the net for personal usage during the office hours (The Straits Times, 2000).Cyberloafing can cause other problems such as bandwith clogging,spyware infection, and task postponement (Levoie and Pychyl, 2001). If you are reading this article during your office hours you may call as a cyberloafer. Cyberloafing also called as Cyberslacking.
Cyberloafing activities including personal emailing, instant messaging,and visiting news websites. Finding suggested, there are some positive impact on employees when they do job related surfing. Emailing and other non-job related leads to negative impact. Research results showed cyberloafing is common for men than women.
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6 years ago